Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:06 pm

Welcome to The Forum!
If this is your first visit to the forum as a guest, please feel free to browse through the forum categories.  If you are searching for FM/CFS support, and are looking for a Forum Home, we would love to have you join us.  By using the "Register" option in the Navigation Menu at the top of the page, registration is quick and easy.
If this is your first time here as a registered member, please take a moment to introduce yourself by "starting a new topic" in the "Introduce Yourself" Category.  Just scroll down this page until you come to the category and click on it.  (There are instructions inside if you are new to Forums and are unfamiliar with how they work.)
For returning members, welcome back!  Catch us up on how you have been doing since your last vist.  If you need prayer, please do not hesitate to request it.  If you know of a resource not included in the website, please include the URL in the FM Resources Category to share it with our other members.
If you are unfamiliar with how forums work and need a little help navigating the site, I have included a few site tips below.  You can also get help by clicking on the "FAQ" link at the top of the page.
If you have arrived at this Forum from another resource other than
which is the host site of this forum, please take a moment to visit the site for FM/CFS information.  There is a link in the upper right hand side of the website Homepage to return you back to the Forum.
  Remember this is YOUR forum and it can only be as successful as you make it.  I encourage you to reach out to other members.  If you are having a bad day, reaching out to help someone else may help you to feel better.  Invite your friends, co-workers and family who are touched by Fibromyalgia, CFS and other chronic pain related illnesses.   I am really glad you are here and hope you find support and friendship to help you deal with your FM/CFS here with us.
Thank you - Tammy Elaine
Site and Navigation Tips
Choosing a Forum Category:
Each Forum is divided into categories according to different topics.  To view all posts within a Forum Category, just click on the Category Subject.  The page will refresh and all posts within that category will be in view.  To navigate away from a category, use your browser's Back button, the menu just above the post or the "Jump To Menu" below the list, and then click "Go".
How to Read a Post:
Once you are within a Forum Category and see the post list, just click on a post to view it.  To navigate between posts, either use your browser's Back button or the small up and down arrows below the post.  (They indicate previous and next post)  To leave the category, use the "Jump To Menu", choose the Category you want and click "Go".
How to Reply to a Post:
If you would like to post a reply to a post you have read, just click on "Post Reply" above the post. The page will refresh, presenting  your message form.  Give your reply a title if you want to change it from "RE:" and write your post.  HTML is enabled but if you do not use it, just type your message in as you normally would.  You can preview and edit your reply if needed, then click on "send".  Your're done!
How to Start a New Topic:
You may not always wish to reply to someone else's post, but rather start a discussion about something else.  In this case, just choose a relative Category and click on it.  When the page refreshes, you will see all of the previous posts in that category.  Click on "Start New Topic" and write your post, preview, edit if needed, then send.
Note:  If there is no Category relative to what you would like to post about, just pm me and I will gladly create one for you.
The Main Navigation Menu Bar:
This menu is located at the top of each forum page.  Using this menu you may check the Forum Calendar for upcoming Events, Find help in the "FAQ", Search for a member or post, view the membership list, update your profile, visit The Ultimate Fibromyalgia Resource Center, view/send emails and personal messages, or log out.
Please familiarize yourself with your profile and update your settings regularly.   Check your email settings to ensure that you receive Forum emails and newsletters so you don't miss out on any of the fun!  In your profile you can also create your personal signiture, choose your avatar, (your own little mascot), from our gallery or upload one of your own.  Once saved they will be included in your posts.  Be sure and always SAVE your changes.
Maintaining Your Membership:
The system automatically purges inactive members so try to log in and post a message at least once a week.  This is nothing personal, only an attempt to ensure that any emails or newsletters sent will go only to active members.  If your account is removed due to inactivity, this is irreversible and a new account will have to be created.
Using the ChatBox Feature:
This feature will allow you to chat with other members in real time in a fashion similiar to "messenger".  All you have to do is log in by clicking on it to use.  This is where we will be having out monthly support meetings once they start!
Need More Help?  Check the "Faq"
Most common questions can be answered by checking the FAQ in the Main Navigational Menu at the top of the page.  If you cannot find an answer to your question, please do not hesitate to pm me and I will assist you!
That should just about "Cover the Fly-bys".  If you experience any difficulties with the Forum, please let me know. 
Please continue to scroll down the page for the Forum Categories. 
Have fun and Enjoy!
  • Forum
    Last Posts
  • Introduce Yourself

    We're glad you are here!  Please take a moment to introduce yourself to our members so that they in turn, can welcome you.  We are a pretty laid back crowd here and you don't have to be shy or nervous about posting.  


    To view my post on "How to introduce yourself", please click on this Category.  Help is also available in the "FAQ", which is located at the top of this page in the menu bar. 

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    235 Topics
    414 Posts
    Wed May 30, 2012 12:57 pm
    kyangel Hi, I'm new
  • Newsletters

    Want to catch up on recent forum activity?  Read the current Forum Newsletter here!

    2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:58 pm
    Tammy Elaine Would you like to write an article for our newsletter?
  • Living with Fibromyalgia

    My name is Tammy Elaine and I am the forum adminstrator as well as the webmaster of the site this forum is part of, The Ultimate Fibromyalgia Resource Center at I have had Fibromyalgia for almost 15 years, am disabled by the illness to the point where I suffer cognitive dysfunction and can no longer work. Please register with us, refer our forum and website to anyone who has Fibromyalgia and join in the discussion. Please do not post advertisements for unrelated material or use foul language or you will be banned. Otherwise, everyone's input is welcome and encouraged. I would really like for this forum to be successful and help people, so please spread the word that it is here. Thank you and enjoy the forum!

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    197 Topics
    257 Posts
    Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:58 pm
    sbolton new book
  • Residual Income When You Can't Work

    Many of us with FM find ourselves in the position where we cannot work any longer and need desperately to supplement our income.  I am including information about an online business opportunity to own your own business, earn supplemental income and even get off of disability with this successful business plan.


    If you are searching for a way to earn additional income or start your own business, I encourage you to check this out!


    After only three months in this business, I am in profit!  I look forward to telling SSA to kiss off and once again, supporting myself and earning a good living.  Soon, very soon I will be able to do that thanks to this business!


    Look Inside for details!


    (This is a closed forum.  Noone but Admin can post here.)

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:11 pm
    Tammy Elaine The Online Business That is Changing MY LIFE, Despite FM!
  • Disability and Fibromyalgia

    As more and more people are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia now that the powers that be have finally decided that it is a REAL illness, many more of us will be filing for disability with the SSA. This Forum is dedicated to the discussion of the process of filing for SSA Disability due to Fibromyalgia. I know you folks are out there so let me hear about your filing experience!

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    15 Topics
    40 Posts
    Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:23 pm
    SocialSecurityDisability Help with SSDI Process... so confused
  • Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia symptoms vary from patient to patient. The symptoms also vary in intensity and frequency. Please share your symptoms with the forum and perhaps you will help someone who needs to hear what you have to share about the symptoms you have, the frequency and intensity.

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    24 Topics
    60 Posts
    Tue May 29, 2012 5:46 pm
    Veronika80 Article with an EXPANDED list of Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  • Getting a Diagnosis

    Getting a Fibromyalgia diagnosis is very difficult and can be a frustrating process. Please share your diagnosis process with others. There are people out there who are sick and the doctors can't find anything wrong with them. They need to know how others who have fibro have gone through the diagnosis process and finally developed a treatment program that works for them.

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    2 Topics
    3 Posts
    Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:23 am
    natteluk finally diagnosed!
  • Treatment Protocols

    Hi, all.  Although the website has an entire page dedicated to available treatment protocols I thought it would be nice for the forum members to post treatments for various symptoms.  If it is published protocol, please try to give a reference, ie, a book title, article, media or web address.  If it is just something that you have tried and it helps you, then none of the refernce info is necessary.  You may know of a treatment that works for you, can pass it along to the other forum members and guests, who (after discussing it with their physician,) may benefit from trying it.


    Keep in mind that you should never begin a new medical treatment protocol without first speaking to your doctor.  TUFRC is not responsible for the accuraccy/medical value of information posted here nor for any injury caused to persons who implement them into their treatment.   



    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    29 Topics
    54 Posts
    Thu May 24, 2012 10:25 pm
    melrned patch for FM pain?
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Discussion about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    419 Topics
    167 Posts
    Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:08 am
    Meskhenet Irish PM in unprecedented attack on Vatican
  • RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome

    Because of the nature of autoimmune disorders they are often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. Recently in my research I came across a website about a "syndrome" that I had never heard about, (at least not that I could recall). It is called RSDS or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. While reading the information on the website at American RSDHope, I began to wonder, "Do I have this too?" (I plan to discuss this with my neurologist at my next visit!) Anyway, in making arrangements to exchange links with the webmaster of American RSDHope, I learned that the gentleman, Keith also has FM. I have invited him to visit the forum and post a topic or two on the subject and I hope that he soon will. Be sure and check back in the future for these topic posts. I am sure you will find them very interesting. The Following excerpt is from the RSDHope Website:

    FOUR Main Symptoms/Criteria

    There are FOUR Main Symptoms/Criteria for a diagnosis of RSDS: Constant chronic burning pain. Inflammation Spasms-in blood vessels and muscles of the extremities Insomnia/Emotional Disturbance (including limbic system changes)

    Do you have it? Hopefully, Keith will be able to enlighten us, as well as arm us with questions we can ask our doctors about RSDS.

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Family Members and Friends

    This forum is dedicated to those who are family members or friends of someone with Fibromyalgia. This disease touches not only the person suffering from it but impacts the relationships of those we know and love as well. If you are a family member or a friend of someone with Fibromyalgia, please post your comments here. Your words may help someone else who is dealing with the same issues.

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    5 Topics
    6 Posts
    Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:02 am
    johntrax11 A new online restarent servise
  • Video Room

    Recently, I have been working on building another page in the website called "The Video Room", which meant creating another template, finding and adding the videos and getting it all ready to publish.  It was rather time consuming so I thought I would also add some on the forum and see if it were any quicker.  I like the Video Room being on the site but it never hurts to have more venues.  Besides here, you all can post videos that you believe our visitors will bwenefit from seeing.  You see, we are all on the very same quest for knowledge about this terrible disease.  We have a responsibility to make it easier for others and help them.  If you come across a video that you would like to add, please do so.


    Please ensure that your video post is on topic, is helpful in nature,  and meets the posting criteria. 



    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    1 Topics
    16 Posts
    Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:05 pm
    patuan89 FM Symptoms Explained, Dr. David Mickel
  • Fibromyalgia Resource Links

    Unlike most forums I do not believe that I have the only fibro related forum or site on the internet.  LOL!  As a matter of fact, you may find it refreshing that as long as it is topic related I very much appreciate your posting it.  If you know of a website or resource not included in my website or forum, please post the URL here with the website name in the title.  Our goal here is to help in every way we possibly can and provide every resource available to our members.  So, post away, my children!  LOL!
    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    30 Topics
    41 Posts
    Wed May 16, 2012 6:50 pm
    Rafael Modesto Hi, again
  • SSDI Reform and the FM Vote

    Welcome.  This forum is dedicated to discussion about SSDI Reform and The Fibromyalgia Vote.  More and more of us are being diagnosed with FM/CFS and are being disabled because of it.  Meanwhile; up to 2/3 of all SSDI applications are denied and we struggle to survive without income while our case is mired in the SSA system.  Reform is desperately needed!  As voters, it is critical that we unite and pressure our representatives to introduce legislation calling for additional funding towards finding a cure for this disease.  If you are interested in becoming part of this cause, please let us know by posting your comments here.  We can either continue to suffer or we can get to work, demanding SSDI Reform.  Are you part of the problem or part of the solution.  You decide.
    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Prayer Requests

    Fibromyalgia can test the most diligent of christians.  It makes us angry, mean to others because of our own frustration and it makes us say bad words too!  (If you don't believe me, just read my blog!  LOL!)  I cannot tell you how many times I have called friends or family and begged them to pray for me.  If you have a prayer request please post it here and I will add you to my prayer list.  I am sure our other members will too. 


    *You do not have to be a member to request prayer.  Guests may post here as well.


    May God Bless!

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    22 Topics
    25 Posts
    Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:18 pm
    joni1129 prayer request - feeling hopeless
  • Off Topic Discussion

    Please use this forum for any discussion that isn't related to FM/CFS.  Talk about whatever you wish here but please respect others and no potty mouths.  LOL. 

    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    248 Topics
    393 Posts
    Tue May 29, 2012 4:11 am
  • "Fibro Fanny"

    Introducing "Fibro Fanny"! She is our newest member and I hope that you will enjoy having her around. Join me as we follow "Fibro Fanny" through every day life, dealing with the challenges FM/CFS present. I am sure there is a little of "Fibro Fanny" in all of us. LOL!
    Moderators: peach state, Moderators
    363 Topics
    396 Posts
    Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:13 pm
  • Recently shared images

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